Sunday Nights At The Cathedral Church Of Saint Luke
6pm in Downtown Orlando, FL
What: Christian Worship In The Anglican Tradition
If you're in the Orlando area (or nearby), I want to invite you to Sunday Nights At St. Luke's. Each Sunday night in the heart of downtown Orlando, in a beautiful Gothic-revival style church called The Cathedral Church of Saint Luke, I lead worship for an ancient Christian service called Holy Eucharist. In songs and prayers, in scripture readings and preaching, we reenact the story of the Bible together: Creation, Fall, Redemption, Restoration. It's a worship experience that involves all five of your senses. You could say we even taste, smell, and touch the story in the bread and wine of communion. So from the architecture to the liturgy, as poet Gerard Manley Hopkins said, "Christ plays in ten thousand places." And it's glorious. For more on Anglican liturgy and the Bible, HERE'S an article from one of the priests at St. Luke's, and my friend, Justin Holcomb.
Saint Luke's Cathedral Orlando
When: Sunday Nights 6pm
We meet each Sunday night from 6-7:15pm. In Anglican churches some worshippers come early to kneel and pray silently in the Cathedral before the service begins. You are welcome to do this! After worship, we walk to a local pub for food, drinks, and conversation.
Saint Luke's Cathedral Orlando
Where: The Cathedral Church Of Saint Luke
Address: 130 North Magnolia Ave Orlando, FL 32801
The Risen Christ, Altar, Saint Luke's Cathedral Orlando
How: Parking
Parking can be difficult in downtown Orlando. There are three good places to park when you come to the Cathedral: 1) Metered street parking around the building is free on Sunday nights, 2) The Lanier Parking Lot sits RIGHT BESIDE the Cathedral and parking is FREE there for those attending Saint Luke's, 3) The Regions Bank Parking Garage is another great free place to park. Pull into the garage, take a ticket, and get a parking voucher from an usher at the Cathedral before you leave. As you pull out of the garage put both tickets in the machine and that's it! Get more info on parking HERE.
Who: Leadership
One of the great things about Christian worship in the Anglican tradition is that its liturgical style ensures that the gospel's proclamation isn't based on one pastor's personality or sermon. Nevertheless, God's church is led by imperfect men and women and we want you to know who they are! These folks have a steady role with us on Sunday nights. For a full list of wonderful staff of the Cathedral, go HERE.